Chapter 3
Billy's love for dogs never left in fact every time he would see a coon track it would hit him hard.later on billy came across a magazine it had an had for redhound bone pups 25$ a piece he remembered a verse in the bible that read "god helps those who help themselves"so right there he asked god to help him get the fifty dollars. He read the magazine one more time then a plan began to form in his head. He would sell stuff to the fisherman. And he would also sell the berries that he picked at his the winter he trapped animals and his grandpa sold the fur.he he finally got the 50$ so he went to his grandfather so he could get those dogs.
I wondered what a Redbone Coonhound might look like, so I googled them and they are adorable puppies! No wonder Billy fell in love with them! $50.00 for two is a pretty high price in those days. I wonder what they might sell for now? What does his Grandpa do when Billy brings the money? Keep posting, please! Joy