Thursday, July 1, 2021

Travle summary

For my "travel" summary I decided to watch a video on what you should know before traveling to italy. Traveling to Italy on a plane isn't that expensive and the cost will change based on the day. When going to Italy you will be using euros and those are more than America so if i were to spend 100 euros in Italy it would be roughly 140$ in america. It's also a good idea to not keep a lot of cash on you but do keep some. Keep your valuables on you or wear you can always see them because in Italy theft is definitely a thing that happens and it happens often. It's also very important to make sure you know some key words of the language. Driving is very different and will feel dangerous but it's not. 

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Joe and I hope we can gather the family for a Christmas meal here on Christmas Day about 1:30 pm. Joe plans his famous ravioli, hearty salad...