Tuesday, June 22, 2021

Anything summary

For my anything summary I decided to watch a video on pride falls and what they all mean. First on they list is the gay flag wich is a rainbow colored flag that stands for a man loving another man. The next one is lesbian which has different shades of pinks, reds, and white, this flag stand for a women loving another women. After that is the Bisexual flag which is pink, purle, and blue, this flag stands for a person loving both men and women. Transgender is next, this flag is pink, blue, and white, the flag stands for a women being born as a man and the other way as well. Pansexual flags are pink yellow and blue and there flag stands for when a person loves everyone meaning transhender, non-bianary, and more. Asexual flags are black, gray, white, and purple, there flag stands for a person not being sexually attracted or physically attracted to anyone but this does not mean they cannot have relationships. Next it talks about tribe pride flags which stands for a specific type that a person is into. Lipstick lesbians have a flag that is the same as a normal lesbian pride flag except it has two more shades and has a lip print on the corner. Lipstick lesbian our lesbians who live more of a glamorous life, you could also say they are more feminine. Next is bears, bears flag is a fading brown into yellow and then into black with a paw in the corner. This flag stands for men who are more on the chubby side and are very hairy. Then there's otters, their flag is blue going into white and then going into black. Otters are more small to medium sized. They are mostly nice but some of them are mean and they are very hairy. 
After that it's pups their pride flag is dark blue with black and white diagonal lines with a red bone in the middle. This flag typically stands for a person of any size who puts a lot of love into the world and expects a lot of love in return. Geeks have a pride flag. There is a rainbow with black glasses on them. The geeks flag stands for gays who are really into technology. Military pride flag is black dark green, lime green and brown. This flag stands for anyone in the LGBTQ community who is also in the military or a veteran. 

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