Friday, June 25, 2021

Last weeks reading

Last week I had trouble figuring out how to send this assignment to my blog but got it figured out

Reading for this week


Travle summary

For my travel summary I decided to learn some travel tips for when traveling to the virgin islands. When traveling to the U.S Virgin Islands it is normal for people to not want to travel there in April-December because that is when it is likely for a hurricane to hit.  If you do end up going during that time though it is half the normal price. It is also a good idea to rent a car beforehand so it is cheaper. If you can't  get in, then it is recommended to stay close to Red Hook so you can be near a lot of shops and there is a bus that costs very little. Things are very expensive in St.Thomas at grocery stores so it is recommended to bring things like paper plates or cereal. Beach hopping is recommended because all of them have different purposes.

Reading for last week

We are having some Technical difficulties with the screen time

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Tuesday, June 22, 2021

Anything summary

For my anything summary I decided to watch a video on pride falls and what they all mean. First on they list is the gay flag wich is a rainbow colored flag that stands for a man loving another man. The next one is lesbian which has different shades of pinks, reds, and white, this flag stand for a women loving another women. After that is the Bisexual flag which is pink, purle, and blue, this flag stands for a person loving both men and women. Transgender is next, this flag is pink, blue, and white, the flag stands for a women being born as a man and the other way as well. Pansexual flags are pink yellow and blue and there flag stands for when a person loves everyone meaning transhender, non-bianary, and more. Asexual flags are black, gray, white, and purple, there flag stands for a person not being sexually attracted or physically attracted to anyone but this does not mean they cannot have relationships. Next it talks about tribe pride flags which stands for a specific type that a person is into. Lipstick lesbians have a flag that is the same as a normal lesbian pride flag except it has two more shades and has a lip print on the corner. Lipstick lesbian our lesbians who live more of a glamorous life, you could also say they are more feminine. Next is bears, bears flag is a fading brown into yellow and then into black with a paw in the corner. This flag stands for men who are more on the chubby side and are very hairy. Then there's otters, their flag is blue going into white and then going into black. Otters are more small to medium sized. They are mostly nice but some of them are mean and they are very hairy. 
After that it's pups their pride flag is dark blue with black and white diagonal lines with a red bone in the middle. This flag typically stands for a person of any size who puts a lot of love into the world and expects a lot of love in return. Geeks have a pride flag. There is a rainbow with black glasses on them. The geeks flag stands for gays who are really into technology. Military pride flag is black dark green, lime green and brown. This flag stands for anyone in the LGBTQ community who is also in the military or a veteran. 

Typing practice


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Friday, June 18, 2021

Anything summary

For my "anything" summary this week I studied Scottish highland cows.  Scottish highland cows are one of the oldest breeds of cattle in the world. They originally came from  the highland areas of Scotland. At first there were two different types of highland cattle, but now there is only one. There are many different colors to highlanders such as blonde, silver, black, dun, red, white, and brindle. Black was actually the original colour of highland cattle but the Victorians liked the ginger colour better so they specifically bred that color. Highlanders are mainly known for their cuteness and fur coat, but they also can be used as beef cattle. Sometimes they're even used for milking. Highlanders aren't very great to use as beef cattle because they have two layers of fur so they have more fur than fat.  A lot of people wonder what to do for highlanders in the summer but they really don't Have to do anything because highland cattle are very adaptable to any kind of weather. When it's hot they stay in shade, stay by water and rub their back on anything they can to shed. 

Travel summary

For my travel summary I decided to study tips for travelling to Germany.  The first thing that was talked about was to always have cash on you because a lot of people don't take credit cards In Germany because they use a different system. Tipping is another thing that needs to be learned because it's different from the US, in Germany you round up for the tip instead of using a percentage. Another thing they talked about was how festivals for example if you were going to buy a glass of soda for five euro then you could keep the cup or you could take it back and they would give you two euro for the cup. In Germany staring is not rude, it's just out of curiosity and like in the US.

Tuesday, June 15, 2021

Book repot on "Ghost Boys"

 This book is about a black boy named Jerome Rodgers who got shot by a white cop. Then it tells the story from his perspective being a ghost. It goes back and forth between him being alive and him being dead. Being a ghost also makes it so that he can see other ghost boys from his town. During this he learns a lot of new things from observing and being able to see other ghosts. 

(Dead), Jerome sees his body on the ground and describes how it feels. (Alive), It flashes back to a day before the accident, when his grandma and mother were talking to him. He and his sister left for school. On their way Jermone talks about what the street looks like and how they can't walk too fast like they're running, but also can't walk too slow like they want someone to stop them. Then he states that there was a meth lab that exploded and they cleaned it up and made it into a basketball court. He and his sister continue walking, thinking about how pathetic their attempt was. They get to school and he and his sister go their separate ways. He sees the kids who bullied him and he hopes that they will find a different target just like he hopes to win the lottery one day.

(Dead), Jerome sits in the main room of his house and looks at everyone. He went to reach for food but his hand passed right through. He went into his room and saw his mom laying on his bed, crying. The site of this made him want to smash something into the ground. He sits in his doorway and watches as the rest of his family comes into the room. They talk about how they need to pray. At midnight he comes into the living room and sees someone that looks just like him in his kitchen then the boy disappears. Jerome looks out the window and sees him again soft like rain and wonders if it's another ghost like him. 

(Dead) Jerome sits there watching everyone in the apartment, he looks at his mom and sees her walking around. It almost looks like she's looking for him. His pop is yelling into the phone talking to the lawyers and news reporters. At night all he sees in terrible dark shadows and everyone can't sleep well. He finds it weird that wherever he goes his grandma looks in that direction until he follows his mom and she looks away. The next day everyone gets dressed to go to Jeromes funeral. They all walk in and suddenly Jerome's ghost friend is next to him. They talk then Jerome reaches out to touch him but he disappears.

(Alive), In class that day Mr. Myers introduced a new student. Jerome sees that because the teacher put him on the spot that Carlos is about to cry, so he speaks up in spanish so Carlos can understand what's happening. Jerome feels bad though because hola is all he knows. After class Carlos asks him about lunch so Jerome shows him what to do. Once they get their food they run up to the highest floor of the school and have their lunch in the bathroom stalls. They talk and then have a little fun by making a tune on the walls. Then they hear shoes squeak on the ground Jerome knows it's Mike instantly, they open each bathroom stall door they can't open Jerome's because his is locked but Carlos didn't lock his. The boys fling the door open and drag him out, one twists his arm harder and harder until Carlos decides he has had enough. He kicks back and jerks his arm free but Snap and Mike put him on the ground and began to kick him. Jerome says that he's going to tell all of the boys to stop and then threaten him. 

(Alive), Carlos sits across from Jerome in every class they have and Jerome notices that sometimes Carlos is very tired and he's skinny as well. He's very tired from that day and he thinks how he doesn't like having the thought of how he's going to keep himself safe. The bell finally rings. He runs out of the school and waits for his sister, and to his surprise Carlos comes up to him and said, let's hang out. Jerome accepts his offer, Carlos pulls out a toy gun and asks if Jerome would like to play, Jerome says no but Carlos guilts him into doing it. Carlos hands Jerome the toy and asks him to give it back the next day. Jerome stays silent to the sound of his sister calling his name. His sister comes up to the two boys and sees the gun so she steps away. Jerome tells her that it's just a toy, Jerome says no to the offer. Carlos keeps pushing and wants him to take it, Jerome re-thinks it and says that he wants the toy. He walks home and begs his sister not to tell, she puts her hand in his and says how he knows she will keep his secret.  

(Dead), Jerome watches and listens to what's happening in the courtroom. He watches as the lawyer questions the cop that killed him. He looks at the judge and thinks about how her face looks like a mask. As the cop is still being questioned he sees the ghost boy sit by the cop's daughter. Sahra (the cop's daughter), looks up and sees the ghost boys. It seems that Sarah doesn't care if she can see them or not. All she cares about is the judge to realize that her dad is lying. The lawyer asks for a lunch break, the judge approves and Sarah and the ghost boy walk out of the room together and they both look back to see Jerome.  

(Dead) Jerome is talking to Sarah while sitting on her bed, and he finds out that the cop that killed him is on paid leave and he isn't happy about it. Jerome learns more about Sarah's life and realizes that even if he was alive they would be in two different worlds. As they talk he wonders if his dad knows that the cop that killed him is getting paid. He looks at her books and thinks about how much his sister Kim would love to be able to write her name in a book to claim it as her own. He starts getting mad and expresses the fact that he just wants to move on and that he doesn't care how he died he just wants it to be done with. 

(Dead) Jerome and Emmett sit on the steps outside of the church. They start to talk about baseball and how they miss it. Emmet admits that he's not very good at baseball and how he's better at bullying. Emmett talks about how he wishes he didn't have feelings. He asks Jerome how he died, Jerome looked at him and decided that Emmett wasn't ready to hear it. 

(Dead), the judge calls for a recess, Jerome thinks that it's silly to call it that because he knows recess as play time. The break ends and the lawyers start at it again. Jerome notices that the judge's face never changes. Outside he hears thousands of protesters yelling and stomping. He goes to Sarah's house and sits in her room. Jerome tries to ask her something but she doesn't answer, she just sits there and shakes. Sarah looks up Jeromes name and lots of links pop up. She clicks on one and sees that her father just shot didn't give a warning or anything. Jerome can tell that Sarah had just changed forever. 

(Dead), the 911 operator is on the stand being questioned. Jerome describes her as a college student with red hair. Jerome talks about how Sarahs school is much better and describes how. He thinks more about how the two are different and how if he had gone to Sarah's school he would have never been late or wanted to fake being sick. Sarah sits in the library when the librarian comes over to say hi. The librarian and Sarah start talking about the Emmets and Jeromes deaths. Sarah asks if she can see Emmet. The librarian goes to her computer and searches "Emmet till". Jerome looks away and walks out of the school. 

At the start of the preliminary hearing officer Moore is called to the stand, he is asked a variety of questions like "did you announce yourself" and "did you order Rodgers to put down the gun" to which he answers no. However when the prosecutor askes "did you fire from the police cruiser before it came to a complete stop" he begins to struggle and starts giving excuses. The prosecutor continues by asking why officer Moore did not react, render aid or call for help after Rodger was shot, after these questions the court is adjourned for the day. Jerome feels guilty he can't help his family but is thankful for Carlos who he believes can be like a brother to Kim, and help his family. The next day the trial begins again the prosecutor begins by making a few accusations which the defence objected to because they weren't questions. Finally he asks the question they have all been waiting for "why was the child shot in the back" jerome notices as the question is asked how pained the officer looks. The prosecutor continues "if he was running away, why did you shoot" he asks. He tells the court he was in fear for his life but the prosecutor doesn't believe him. Jerome however can't help but wonder if what he says was really the truth.

(Dead), Jerome hasn't seen Emmet or Sarah in a while, he didn't  want to either. He roams around seeing neighborhoods he's never seen before. He sees nice yards with flowers of all colors. He sees dogs in the yards too, they bark because they can still see him. He admires the beauty of Chicago. He thinks about all the things he wishes he'd done and seen. He thinks about things at home and why he doesn't shadow ma and pop anymore. He describes them as sad all the time like they just don't care anymore. It's just too painful for him to watch. He says that Kim and his grandma talk about him after dinner and cries. He's worried that ma and pop will get used to being emotionless all the time. He follows Carlos and Kim home, but when they walk by Green Acres he just keeps looking forward not wanting to see where he died. After they eat everyone goes back into the courtroom. They all stand when the judge comes in, Jerome notes the way her face looks. There isn't enough evidence to charge officer Moore with manslaughter or anything like that. 

(Dead), Jerome follows Kim and Carlos to school. As they walk closer Jerome sees Eddie and a couple others, Jerome gets worried hoping that Carlos didn't bring a toy gun. Carlos and Kim walk up to them and  they talk for a bit then all four of them walk Kim to class. Jerome sits outside and waits for school to be over. While he waits he thinks about how life is better for everyone now that he's dead. The bell rings, Carlos and Kim come down the steps. As they walk home they dance while Carlos makes music out of anything and two pieces of stick. Kim stops and gets sad, Carlos asks if she's ok. She talks about what Carlos still has to tell grandma, how he has to tell her the story about how Jerome got the gun. He sits there stuck but then sees many other ghost boys and realizes that it's not all about him.  

 (Dead),Jerome walks through the neighborhood and hopes that every black person is safe with all of the things around, like Bullies and cops with guns. He thinks about how much he wishes he could be normal again. The thought of Carlos makes him sad. Even though it didn't last long he feels that it was nice having a friend. Scene school ended Jerome hasn't seen much of Carlos, with this thought in mind he ends up in Carloses room. Jerome goes back to his house and notices that every sunday his grandmother lights candles and talks to a picture of his grandfather. He goes back to Carlos's and watches him when suddenly a paper with a picture of Jerome lands on Carlos's stomach. Carlos sits up, he reaches out in front of him where Jerome is standing and says "Jerome, do you forgive me". Then another man walks in asking if he is ok. Carlos and his father talk, Jerome sits there and listens.    

(Dead), Jerome sits and watches as Carlos walks up to the door. Kim runs down to see him, they talk for a bit then Kim walks him to where her grandmother is. Carlos sits and takes a cookie, he dips it in milk then swallows and blurts out that he gave Jerome the gun. The grandmother shows a shocked expression. Then she talks to Carlos and Kim and tells them that everything is going to be ok.  Kim, Carlos, and grandma sit together and Jerome can tell that they can make ma and pop to feel better. Which makes Jerome feel better.  

(Dead), Jerome sits and watches as everyone talks about him by his grave. Jerome can see that his parents are doing better. Kim, Carlos, and grandma are all sitting by Jerome's grave talking to it like he's right in front of them. Carloses mom brought skull cookies, Kim licks one and Carlos shows her that they are for decoration not eating. That makes Jerome happy. Then all the sudden hundreds of ghost boys start appearing. Jerome and Emmet talk for a bit then Emmet leaves. (Alive), Jerome runs around playing with the toy gun. He feels so free knowing that none of the bullies will mess with him. He acts like he's chasing bad guys. Then he hears two bangs and then he's on the floor wishing someone would help him with the pain. He closes his eyes and can feel his spirit rising.       

This book was about a boy who got shot by a cop. The author wrote this book with hopes that people would read it and talk about how racism is bad. The author decided to write this book because he had heard of many kids dying because of racism and he wanted to do something about it.

Typing practice for the week

Weekly step goal

Friday, June 4, 2021

This weeks math

Yesterday’s “Mission Unstoppable” documentary summary

Today I watched the "Mission Unstoppable" documentary. Today it talked about how you can take evidence from a crime scene, and the science behind it. Then it showed us how to make a ring light, and why it worked. After that it talked about how a scientist used markers to see if people are recovering from an injury. Finally it talked about the science behind a radar, and how it protects us. 

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Wednesday, June 2, 2021

Granny Art

Hey, kids, I hoped to see some catch up artwork today.  These past weeks have been so busy for you, I know. I feel bad to add art as a stressor to your busy schedule.  That's not what I want art to be for us. 

I'm taking the summer off from scheduled art classes.  When you are inspired to make art, share it with me! You are talented and seem enthusiastic when you have time for art.  Enjoy expressing yourself.  Remember, the individual artist's vision and execution are what is important.  Share your hand.  Your goal is not to become a camera.  

Love you

Step goal

Curiosity stream documentary summary for "Mission Unstopiable"

Today I watched the "Mission Unstoppable" documentary. This time it talked about what a sports scientist  does on the field. Then it talked about how to make a macro lens for your phone and what the science behind it is. After that it talked about how gibbens talk to each other and what they're saying with specific calls. One last thing it talked about was an app that can help you with what tools  you need just by taking a picture of it. 

Tuesday, June 1, 2021

Step goal

Granny Art

I am having trouble finding your assignments.  The sandwich and the paint bushes projects elude me.  Please email photos directly to   Thanks! 

Curiosity stream documentary summary for "Mission Unstopiable"

Today I watched the "Mission Unstoppable" documentary. Today it talked about how robots can act more human-like. After that is talked about how bacteria and squid communicate. Then it talked about how a mechanical engineer makes toys to inspire girls. Then it talked about how magic tricks your brain and what your brain is doing. 

Joe and I hope we can gather the family for a Christmas meal here on Christmas Day about 1:30 pm. Joe plans his famous ravioli, hearty salad...