Thursday, April 29, 2021

Step goal

S.S summary

Today we learned about the golden age of the Spanish Habsburgs. Madrid didn't have great rivers but they spent a lot of money on bridges. Just before Philip the king died he was told that a new country was added to his empire. During the golden age Madrid had very great art, the greatest artist painted for king Philip, he even painted life size portraits of his family. In the golden age they also had good music.  

Completed Spanish U3 L4

Sent from my iPhone

Tuesday, April 27, 2021


For art we had to make a drawing of Mars

Chapter 12 summary

Ponyboy did not have to speak much at the hearing, since his doctor has spoken to the judge about Ponyboy's condition. After the hearing, Ponyboy becomes detached and depressed. The next day at lunch, Ponyboy goes to the grocery store with Steve and Two-Bit for candy bars and Cokes. When a group of Socs accosts him, he threatens them with a broken bottle, saying he refuses to take any more of their intimidation. Ponyboy's uncharacteristic show of hostility alarms Steve and Two-Bit, and they warn Ponyboy not to grow hard like Dally was. That night as Ponyboy and Darry fight about Ponyboy's grades, Sodapop runs out of the house, upset that Sandy has returned a letter he wrote her unopened. Darry explains that Sodapop is not the father of Sandy's child and acts puzzled that Sodapop never told Ponyboy. Ponyboy reflects that he probably acted uninterested when Sodapop tried to talk about his problems. Worried, Darry and Ponyboy go find Sodapop. He tells them their constant fighting is tearing him apart. Ponyboy thinks that Sodapop will hold them together. The boys run back home. Ponyboy looks at Johnny's copy of "Gone With The Wind" . Ponyboy realizes that he wants to tell the story of his friends so that other hoodlums will not nurse their anger at the world and ignore the beauty in it. He begins to work on his English theme, starting with the words that begin "The Outsiders": "When I stepped out into the bright sunlight from the darkness of the movie house, I had only two things on my mind: Paul Newman and a ride home."

Step goal

Outschool class

To day we learned about turkey 


Today I did numbers 127 and 128

Granny Art

Hi Kids! 

Watch Bob Blast # 355 on YouTube.  It is about single point perspective that he calls tunnel vision. Being aware of where on the paper  or canvas makes the art get and hold the attention of the viewer. 

With found papers and crayons or markers, make an art work composition that demonstrates tunnel vision and looks like a landscape on Mars. 

Love to see your work!

Monday, April 26, 2021

Step goal

Outsiders Chapter 11 summary

Ponyboy was told to stay on bed rest for a week after he woke up from his concussion. He finds a picture of Bob the Soc in Sodapop's high school yearbook. Bob's grin reminds him of Sodapop's. Ponyboy wonders if Bob's parents hate him, saying he prefers their hatred to their pity. Looking at the photograph and remembering conversations with Cherry and Randy, Ponyboy concludes that Bob was cocky, hot-tempered, frightened, and human. Randy arrives at the house to talk to Ponyboy and behaves with shocking insensitivity. Not thinking of what Ponyboy has suffered, Randy says he is worried about being associated with the violence. They discuss the hearing scheduled for the next day. Ponyboy, in a delirious state, says that he killed Bob himself and that Johnny is still alive. Darry asks Randy to leave.

S.S summary

 Today we learned about the Spanish Main: trade convoy and piracy. In the late 16th century spices where very expensive. When native people would die they would be replaces by African slaves. There is a mine that is still used to this day, back then the miners would go to work on Monday morning and wouldn’t go back home until Saturday, and their wife’s would have to bring them food. Most pirates didn’t become rich because they spent their money on stuff as soon as they got it.

Sunday, April 25, 2021


One of the lessons says that I didn't complete it but I did I just didn't get a good score so I went back and redid one buy it says that I didn't complete it because I didn't redo the rest 

Typing practice

Today I did 121,122,123, and 126


Friday, April 23, 2021

This weeks Spanish

Writing isn't complete because i found out that i didn't have to do i until i had already started

Chapter 10 summary

After Johnny's death, Ponyboy wanders alone for hours until a man offers him a ride. The man asks Ponyboy if he is okay and tells him that his head is bleeding. Ponyboy feels vaguely disoriented. At home, he finds the greasers gathered in the living room and tells them that Johnny is dead and that Dally has broken down. Dally calls and says he just robbed a grocery store and is running from the police. The gang rushes out and sees police officers chasing him. Dally pulls out the unloaded gun he carries, and the police shoot him. Dally collapses to the ground, dead. Ponyboy muses that Dally wanted to die. Feeling dizzy and overwhelmed, Ponyboy passes out. When Ponyboy wakes, Darry is at his side. Ponyboy learns that he got a concussion when a Soc kicked him in the head during the rumble, and that he has been delirious in bed for three days.

This is yesterday days work but I had internet problems and my classmate did not read it 

S.S summary

Today we learned about Conquistadors and missionaries.  Some things we learned were that Exporters wanted money and they thought it would come from the new world.  A man who wanted money herd of people who were rich so he recruited 600 men and called himself the leader. There was an eagle on a cactus with a snake in its mouth and a city was built on ghat spot on that spot by the Mexicas. Cosistadors were concurring South America. The missionaries brought christianity to the new world.  When it was brought to the new world  if they didn't like christianity they would be burnt alive. 

This is from yesterday because the internet wasn't working where I was at. 

Wednesday, April 21, 2021

Chapter 9 summary

Feeling sick before the rumble, Ponyboy swallows five aspirin and struggles to eat his dinner. The boys have bathed and made themselves look "tuff," and leave for the rumble excitedly. Ponyboy feels a sinking feeling when he sees the other greasers. Tim Shepard's gang and the others seem like genuine hoods. Twenty-two Socs arrive in four carloads to fight the twenty greasers. Darry steps forward to start the fight, and Paul Holden, Darry's high school friend and football teammate, steps up to challenge him. As Paul and Darry circle each other, Dally joins the group. As Dally arrives, the fight breaks out in full. After a long struggle, the greasers win. When the rumble ends, Dally and Ponyboy go to the hospital to see Johnny. A policeman stops them, but Ponyboy feigns an injury, and the officer gives them an escort to the hospital. Ponyboy and Dally find Johnny dying. Johnny moans that fighting is useless, tells Ponyboy to "stay gold," and then dies. Dally is beside himself with grief and runs frantically from the room

Step goal

Re: Art Monday!

In case you need it...this was "Monday's" art lesson.

On Mon, Apr 19, 2021, 3:49 PM Karin Frederick <> wrote:

Gesso is a formula painted on the canvas or paper to improve the grip of the paint to the surface.

Holbein is a brand name of excellent acrylic paints.

Horizontal lines are left and right; vertical lines are up and down.

Watch "Bob Blast 354, Horizontal Composition, Land or Sea."

I will ask you on Wednesday;
 What is a low horizon? a high horizon?

Color is darker or lighter when it is closer to you?  Why do you think that is?  

When things are farther from you, do they look smaller or larger than you know them to be?

Also on Wednesday, you will paint a seascape similar to one of the video paintings.  Use the back of the pretty scrapbook paper.   It has good strength.  Be thoughtful of how you use light and dark color to give your painting depth.

It is interesting to look at a flat piece if paper and see a scene that extends far away.  You do this with color and size. 

Have a beautiful week!  

Granny art

The Monday art lesson is good for today.  And,  go all the way and paint one or two  seascapes each as Bob demonstrates.

Today,  I'm a bit sickly.  I'm reacting to my 2nd Covid shot.  Feel yucky, but worth it!   
Have fun.  Later this summer I should be able to come to you and we 3 can do art!  

Love you,


Outschool meteorology class

Typing practice

Today I numbered 114 and 115 they where just harder to do 

Tuesday, April 20, 2021

Step goal

Chapter 8 summary

Two-Bit and Ponyboy go to visit Johnny and Dally in the hospital. Johnny, pale and weak, whispers that he would like Ponyboy to finish reading "gone with the wind" to him. His mother shows up to see him, but she is a mean spirited, nagging woman and Johnny refuses to see her. As Ponyboy and Two-Bit leave, she accuses them and blames them for Johnny's condition, and Two-Bit insults her. Dally is recovering nicely in the hospital, and for the first time ever Ponyboy feels warmly toward Dally. Dally says that Tim Shepard, the leader of another gang of greasers, came in to talk about the rumble. Dally asks for Two-Bit's black-handled switchblade, and Two-Bit gladly hands over his prized possession without even asking why Dally needs it. On the way home, Ponyboy and Two-Bit see Cherry Valance in her Corvette. She says that the Socs have agreed to fight with no weapons. Ponyboy asks her to go see Johnny, but she says she cannot because Johnny killed Bob. She says that Bob had a sweet side and was only violent when drunk, as he was when he beat up Johnny. Ponyboy calls her a traitor, but he quickly forgives her. He asks her if she can see the sunset on the West Side, and when she says she can, he tells her to remember that he can see it on the East Side too.

Typing practice

Today I did numbers 111,112,113, and tried 114 but couldn't get it 

Monday, April 19, 2021

Art Monday!


Gesso is a formula painted on the canvas or paper to improve the grip of the paint to the surface.

Holbein is a brand name of excellent acrylic paints.

Horizontal lines are left and right; vertical lines are up and down.

Watch "Bob Blast 354, Horizontal Composition, Land or Sea."

I will ask you on Wednesday;
 What is a low horizon? a high horizon?

Color is darker or lighter when it is closer to you?  Why do you think that is?  

When things are farther from you, do they look smaller or larger than you know them to be?

Also on Wednesday, you will paint a seascape similar to one of the video paintings.  Use the back of the pretty scrapbook paper.   It has good strength.  Be thoughtful of how you use light and dark color to give your painting depth.

It is interesting to look at a flat piece if paper and see a scene that extends far away.  You do this with color and size. 

Have a beautiful week!  

Typing practice

Today I did number 79,101,102,103,105,108,110

Writing out school class

Thursday, April 15, 2021

Chapter 7 summary

The reporters and police interview Ponyboy, Sodapop, and Darry in the hospital waiting room. The doctors finally emerge and say that Dally will be fine but that Johnny's back was broken when the roof caved in. Even if Johnny survives, they add, he will be permanently crippled. The next morning, The papers portray Ponyboy, Johnny, and Dally as heroes for rescuing the schoolchildren. The papers mention that the state will charge Johnny with manslaughter and send both Ponyboy and Johnny to juvenile court, from which Ponyboy might be sent to a boys' home. Ponyboy asks Sodapop about Sandy and learns that she got pregnant and moved to Florida. Her parents refused to let her marry Sodapop because of his age, so Sandy left to live with her grandmother. A blue Mustang pulls up to the restaurant that they were at, and in it they see the group of Socs that jumped Ponyboy and Johnny in the park. Ponyboy feels an immediate and intense hatred for them. One of the Socs, Marcia's boyfriend, Randy, comes over to Ponyboy. Two-Bit reminds him that no fighting is allowed before the rumble, but Randy says he wants only to talk. He asks Ponyboy why he saved those children and says he would never have thought a greaser could do such a thing. Ponyboy says that it didn't have anything to do with his being a greaser. Sick about the violence and Bob's death, Randy says he does not intend to fight at the rumble. Randy explains that Bob was his best friend, a good guy with a terrible temper and overly indulgent parents. Ponyboy feels reassured by his talk with Randy and realizes that Socs can be human and vulnerable.

S.S summary

Today we learned more about Columbus and the new world. After the new world was found a lot of things were being pasted on in a way, for instance Europe brought dandelions to America and America brought tomatoes and peanuts to Europe and Africa. One thing that wasn't so great that the Europeans brought was sickness, there was a jungle that got some of they're sickness that people are still scared of today. America also Brought tobacco which really took off right away, guns were also brought from America. That's what we learned about in today's lesson.

Typing practice

I went back and got 5 stars on 8,11,14,15,17,21,22,26,29,31,33,34,36,37, and 38

Wednesday, April 14, 2021

Typing practice


Chapter 6 summary

Dally relates to the two boys how worried the gang is about them. Driving back from Dairy Queen, they spot the church on fire. A group of school children stand around the church, Ponyboy and Johnny jump out of the car. As they arrive on the scene, one of the women shouts that some of the children are missing. They start to look for the kids,an older man, later identified as Jerry Wood, follows them. The boys quickly find the kids and hand them out through the window to safety. Dally is now on the scene and he warns the boys to get out because the roof is starting to cave in. After dropping the last kid out the window, Johnny shoves Pony out the window, and the roof collapses. Pony blacks out, but Dally goes back inside for Johnny. When Ponyboy regains consciousness, he hears sirens. He assumes that he is in a police car until Jerry Wood tells him that they are in an ambulance, Dally had a badly burned arm, but Johnny is in far worse condition, with a possible broken back and bad burns. At the hospital, doctors examine Ponyboy, and except for a few burns and a big bruise across his back. He is in the waiting room, worried about Johnny and Dally, when Darry and Soda arrive. When Pony looks at Darry he sees that he is crying. In that split second, Ponyboy realizes that Darry does care for him, that he was just trying too hard. After losing his parents, Darry fears losing another loved one.

Out school meteorology

Step goal

Out school wrighting class

Tuesday, April 13, 2021

Out school

Today we learnEd about Italy 

Chapter 5 summary

The next morning, Ponyboy wakes up in the church and finds a note from Johnny saying that he had gone into town to get some supplies. When Johnny returns, he brings a week's supply of baloney and cigarettes, and a paperback copy of Gone with the Wind. Johnny suggests that they cut their hair to disguise themselves, and he bleaches Ponyboy's hair. For the next week, the boys hide out at the church, reading Gone with the Wind, smoking, and eating sandwiches. Later, Ponyboy revisits a Robert Frost poem, "Nothing Gold Can Stay." The poem touches Johnny. After about five days, Dally shows up at the church with a letter to Ponyboy from Sodapop. Dally says the police approached him about Bob's murder and he told them that the ones who did it fled to Texas. He takes Johnny and Ponyboy to a Dairy Queen and tells them that a state of open warfare exists between the greasers and the Socs, who are furious about Bob's death. He also lets slip that Cherry Valance, feeling responsible for the murderous encounter, has been acting as a spy for the greasers. He adds that in a day's time the two groups will meet for a rumble

Look at this... 👀

Look at this... 👀 

Drawing support

Chapter 5

The next morning, Ponyboy wakes up in the church and finds a note from Johnny saying that he had gone into town to get some supplies. When Johnny returns, he brings a week's supply of baloney and cigarettes, and a paperback copy of Gone with the Wind. Johnny suggests that they cut their hair to disguise themselves, and he bleaches Ponyboy's hair. For the next week, the boys hide out at the church, reading Gone with the Wind, smoking, and eating sandwiches. Later, Ponyboy revisits a Robert Frost poem, "Nothing Gold Can Stay." The poem touches Johnny. After about five days, Dally shows up at the church with a letter to Ponyboy from Sodapop. Dally says the police approached him about Bob's murder and he told them that the ones who did it fled to Texas. He takes Johnny and Ponyboy to a Dairy Queen and tells them that a state of open warfare exists between the greasers and the Socs, who are furious about Bob's death. He also lets slip that Cherry Valance, feeling responsible for the murderous encounter, has been acting as a spy for the greasers. He adds that in a day's time the two groups will meet for a rumble


Step goal

Typing practice


Monday, April 12, 2021

Chapter 4

The park was abandoned  by 2:30 in the morning. Ponyboy and Johnny go for a walk beside the fountain. Suddenly the boys see the blue Mustang from earlier that night. Five Socs, including Randy and Bob, jump out of the car and approach them. Presumably, the Socs have come to get even with the boys for picking up their girlfriends. Ponyboy can tell they are drunk. Bob tells Ponyboy that greasers are white trash with long hair, and Ponyboy responds that Socs are nothing but white trash with Mustangs and madras shirts. In a rage, Ponyboy spits at the Socs. A Soc grabs Ponyboy and holds his head under the freezing water of the fountain. Ponyboy feels himself drowning and passes out. By the time he regained his consciousness, the Socs had run away. He lies on the pavement next to Johnny. Bob's bloody corpse is nearby. Johnny says, "I killed him," and Ponyboy sees Johnny's switchblade, dark to the hilt with blood.Ponyboy panics, but Johnny stays calm. They decide to go to Dally, thinking he might be able to help them. They find Dally at the house of Buck Merril, his rodeo partner. He manages to get the boys fifty dollars, a change of clothing for Ponyboy, and a loaded gun. He instructs them to take a train to Windrixville, where they can hide in an abandoned church. Ponyboy and Johnny get on a train, and Ponyboy goes to sleep. When they get to Windrixville, they get off the train and find the church, where they collapse and fall asleep.

Step goal


Out school writing class

Typing practice

Sunday, April 11, 2021

Homeschool Cooking with Granny

Our Week 8 Cooking Friday was very special, a tasty and lovely chocolate cake from scratch for G'ma Kerin's Birthday celebration at the Beach house! Everyone loved it, as well as a baked version of Spanish Potato Croquettes, traditional Birthday party Tapas! Well done, Team Morgin and Tilden! Your teamwork, energy and spirit are inspiring!

And, beginning this week, we'll explore more Mediterranean countries' traditional favorites!

Joy Guttenberger

Friday, April 9, 2021




Typing test

Chapter 3 summary

Ponyboy and Two-Bit walk to a two bits house with Monica and Cherry to give them a ride home. When talking about socs and greasers they discover they have a lot in common. For instance, they both like reading and watching the sunset. Ponyboy voices his frustration about greasers living in poverty while socs live comfortable lives, then Cherry explains the socs situation isn't as simple as that. After their conversation a blue mustang that belongs to Randy and Bob, Cherry and Marcia's boyfriends, pulls up beside them. The two groups nearly get into a fight but the girls agree to leave with their boyfriends. Before leaving, Cherry tells Ponyboy she hopes she doesnt see Dally again because she thinks she could fall in love with him. When they arrive home dally is furious they stayed out so late. During the argument Dally slaps Ponyboy, he storms out of the house in rage, and he's sure Dally doesn't want him around. Ponyboy finds Johnny in a lot where greasers hang out, and he tells Johnny that they are running away. Johnny who lives with his abusive alcoholic father agrees. The boys walk through the park and try to determine if they want to leave.

I didn't post this yesterday because I never got a response from my partner and I lost my phone for a bit and when I found it I still didn't have a response and I didn't call because I new that my school partner was probably already asleep 

Thursday, April 8, 2021

S.S. summary

Today we learned about Columbus and the new world.  People gave Columbus 3 ships to travel. On this trip they mostly ate fish and the dodo bird was confirmed to be extinct from sailers eating them for easy food. Columbus was beached on the Bahamas which was not called that when this happened. When he got there he thought he was in India, he picked 6 people to teach Spanish so they could communicate. Columbus didn't like laziness and if he saw it happening he would beat the people. He later went to jail for 6 weeks before being put on trial, after trial he got out of prison and died about 15 years later. 

Out school

this class was about tying to figure out a crime scene

Typing practice

I did do lesson 286 but its not giving me any stars I don't know why I have redone it 3 times and it still won't give me any stars but I feel that I am ok to move on so that is what I will be doing. 

Joe and I hope we can gather the family for a Christmas meal here on Christmas Day about 1:30 pm. Joe plans his famous ravioli, hearty salad...